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New York June 2019 - Index of my photo blog pages

Here is a selection of the blog page photographs of my family trip to New York in early June 2019.    The blogs entries were not added in date order, but more as a subject group.   So this index is really an attempt to show them all together.   

These pictures are Blog Links, so click on them to go to the actual set of photographs.  I hope you enjoy them and do please leave comments.  

Click on the pictures below to go to the photo-blogs

Staten Island ferry

Streets of New Jersey

Citrus Trees [why not] at the Botanical Gardens in Brooklyn

The Old Fire Station


The High Line

Soho, TribeCa and China Town

Grand Central Station

Views of Manhattan and Brooklyn Heights

Liberty State Park

Jersey City Jazz Festival


Subway Pictures

Jersey City Old Town

Rockefella Views


Painted Walls

