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C16. Unknown Citrus

Unknown Citrus

Update October 2020.  The citrus is looking really healthy now.   Here it is sitting in my greenhouse ready for winter
with fruit 

The old and dying citrus is looking so good now. 

Update - July 27th 2019

Its looking really happy after the recent heavy sun and heavy rain. A couple of fruits on it growing nicely as well. 

Update - July 14th 2019

How things change in a year. Fantastic result with this tree, it just put on so much growth and looks really happy.  Compare it to last year after its thorough cut back prune and also February 2019,  

And it fruiting, so hopefully will know what type it is soon.  July 2019
July 2019

Here is the Citrus early February 2019.  A real success story now with huge amount of new growth.  Hardly recognizable as the same plant, see below

Close up of the leaves


An old Citrus I have had for several years and lost the label for. I am trying to bring it back to its full health.    Here it is early 2018 after being cut back [below]
