C06. Unknown Citrus
Unnamed Citrus - possibly Grapefruit/Pummelo hybrid
October 18th 2020 Update
This is a really slow grower. I keep it in the greenhouse till summer now. It is putting on new leaves finally, but not exactly a lush grower. Here it is back in the greenhouse for overwintering.
July 27th 2019 Update
I have repotted and and changed the soil mixture today. I brought this plant outside of the greenhouse a few days ago. I was a bit worried about it overheating and getting burnt. I lost a some new growth to burn last week. Ideal time to move it out as we have a mini heatwave and yesterday really heavy rain. I also downsized the pot as the existing one seemed much to large for it. I used an organic compost and Perlite and Vermiculite in equal parts. Here it is in the picture below, bottom left.
July 14th 2019 Update
Very slow grower this one. It has started to put on new leaves and they are nice and green
And then a bit of die back, but only slightly. Its suffered on a couple of branches with orange sap oozing out which was a worry. I don't think its an insect problem, and its only on slightly damaged parts of the tree. I have increased feeding and I may put the tree outside for a while as it may not like the greenhouse environment.
2007 and onwards, below
It may be my Grapefruit tree but I will have to wait until it fruits again to be sure.
Here it is in early October 2018 [see below picture] after having been in my greenhouse most of the summer, it certainly likes the indoors more. Finally a bit more vigorous regrowth taking place.
Here it is in early February 2019, see below
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