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The beginning of February 2019 and the suns out in the garden

A beautiful sunny day and some of the plants are showing a bit of life

And new growth and flowers just showing on this Helleborus

This is my Helleborus "winter joy" and its looking tatty with last years leaves left on for protection, but new growth is showing through

Blueberries just thinking about life as well

My small kitchen Rosemary plant has been flowering all winter

I have lots of strawberries that I leave to self propagate around the garden.  They have green leaves and are looking happy despite all the recent snow. 

Still much too early for my Grape and Blackberries however.

My potted up Olive Tree actually fruited last year [well sort of - small fruits anyway] but the large Olive planted in the background has been very productive for the last two years.  I am planning on picking some this year to use.  Assuming the local birds approve of that plan. 
