Do you remember what it was like in early March? And later in April
This is only just over a month ago and we could go for walk wherever we wanted
Here is a spring day in Hampton Court Gardens.
Hampton Court Maze
walking along the Thames and peering into the palace, below
a view along to the back of the palace, below
Radio controlled boats on the lake in competition
Mid March and on the south coast near Hastings [Little Common to be precise], below
Eastbourne in the far distance
Hampton Court again on a wet March 19. They have been dredging the old waterways that feed the palace, below
And fast forward to end of March and its jigsaw time in lock-down
a 2000 piece one just fits the board, below
At least we have a few jigsaws to be going on with...
Planting outside. I have moved these gooseberry plants to a new location
and a row of garlic planted in front of them
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